Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Images and race

Look at the following images which have shown up in the local media within the past few year. With the exception of the 'mace' advert, all were within the last decade.

With a partner, summarise what the intended message of each text is, and then explain thoroughly what are the issues with each text with regards to racism. Which if Alvarado's maxims are the racial minority being placed into?

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Work for today!

Having just watched 'Adulthood', please answer the following questions and answer them on your blogs. Please also keep in mind that this film comes AFTER 'Kidulthood' in terms of its release date.

1. Do you think the representation of black youth has changed significantly since the preceeding movie, 'Kidulthood'? Provide a detailed analysis of the changes that have occurred making reference to specific characters and scenes where possible.

- Overall, how would you describe the representation of this social group in the movie?

2. In this movie there appear to be more main characters from other races in the movie who are in leading roles. How are these characters presented?

3. Do you think there is a hierarchy of races within this movie?

4. What aspects may have caused the creators of this movie to change the way they have chosen to portray black youth in this movie?

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Work for today!

Working in pairs,

Plan a Powerpoint presentation where you discuss the differences in representation of black youth between the two movies you have watched so far.

Things you should consider:

*Negative representations of black youth in each movie.

*Postive respresentations of black youth in each movie.

*How other races are presented by comparison.

*Causes and reasons for negative behaviour present in the movies.

*Has there been a change in representation (more positive/negative) between the two movies 2006-2011?