Friday, 27 January 2012

Extension task

Read this article.

Write a couple of paragraphs giving your response to the ideas put across in the article.

Antonio Gramsci - Hegemony

Please use this lesson to research Antonio Gramsci's theory of Hegemony. Create an article where you outline (in your own terms) what hegenomy is. How does this theory help us to understand the representation of ethnic minorities in Western/British cinema and TV?

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Representation Blog

Hi everyone! This blog is NOT an assessed unit like your other one, but we will be using it for homeworks and subject specific research.

For today's lesson, please complete these two tasks.

1. Find a newsreel from BBC/Sky etc news on youtube which covers the London Riots. This must be a reel/ broadcast from the time, and it must be GENERAL, not covering any specific aspect of the riots. THere are a few on there. Watch the reel (look for ones over 5 minutes in length). Write a few paragraphs describing how black youths are portrayed in the few minutes of footage you have watched.

2. Find the 'David Starkey' video again. Watch it, and write three paragraphs giving your views on the broadcast.